Saturday, January 26, 2008


I attended a physiology and bio mechanics workshop presented by Dr. Phil Skiba last weekend. I won't get into a lot of the workshop but the bottom line is "well worth the time and investment to go out east". I'm convinced I will be a better coach with some of the tools and information I learned. I've spent the better part of this year improving my knowledge of power based training and designing specific training protocols designed to elicit specific results. The make up of my client base and the increased use of technology has promoted me to either move ahead in my knowledge base on coach like the majority of the other coaches out there. I have bigger dreams than where I currently sit.

My own personal training is coming along. I had a test week this week and seem to have stagnated in some of my numbers. It is time to implement some new stimuli to the plan. After all, we can't continue to do the same things over and over and expect different results. On Monday I will begin my new plan and in 6-8 weeks we test again to determine progress.

My swimming has stagnated to the point where my wife told me on Friday I was holding up the lane. Not what I wanted to hear but "it is what it is". I'm swimming my 100's on a 1:20-1:25 basis but my ability to hold that speed has dropped in the past few months. I'll need to give this a bit of thought and talk with my swim coach about this as well. I also need to be honest and say my motivation in the water has lacked the past 6 weeks. Last year I came into January flying and by the start of the season I felt flat.

We are anxiously awaiting our new "rides". Kathy picked out the color scheme and we are going with a two tone red/black with red seats and red handlebar tape. We both went with a 78 degree seat angle and I'm eager to ride and see if there is a difference in my back and legs.

In one month I'm heading to Arizona with Jonathan Nixon. Jonathan is one of my athletes and will compete in Ironman South Africa in April. He invited me along for some training companionship. Based on what he has been doing and what I'm doing, I'm sure I'm in for a long week. Putting in some long miles will help me with my current level of fitness.

My article on improving your swimming was just in the last month of triathlon life magazine and I've heard from people all over the US. I've always wanted to be published and this is the second time my article has made it into this publication. I hope to do more writing in the future.

Not a whole lot more to report. Business remains good. I have decided not to take on any more athletes this year unless they are doing an Ironman and have prior experience. Kathy and coach Steve are full as well. Coach Jason still has room for a few more folks. I've actively begun looking for more coaches to join Mile High and have had some preliminary discussions with a few candidates. Kathy travels a lot in January and February and with my two trips we don't see each other a whole lot at the beginning of the year. We celebrate a17 year wedding anniversary in March and I need to think of something romantic to do for the weekend of our anniversary.


Podium quest said...

Happy anniversary guys!!! Your already a great coach. Most people would be happy w/ greatness. You keep attempting better yourself & your athletes. I'm glad I'm one of the athletes you have on board, now that your not accepting anymore I realize how lucky I am.

Jon and Molly said...

Happy anniversary as well! I always enjoy reading your thoughts and comments on training and life in general. Good luck with the training in AZ!

Tri-Dummy said...

Coach...that post sounded pretty exciting.

Looking forward to seeing the bikes when they come in.