Steve, Kathy and I rode 40 miles in some gale force winds on Saturday. Following are my totals for the past 6 days and what I learned during my trip.
Photo of Camel Back mountain at night
Cycling: 304 miles
Swimming: 10,000 yards
Run/Walk: 2:30 minutes
* Jonathan Nixon is in outstanding shape, mentally and physically
* Steve is a stronger cyclist than I gave him credit
* I am in better shape than I give myself credit
* I need to focus more on the positive
* If I work hard I can regain my old form and perhaps even be better than I was before
* A week of cycling regardless of the terrain makes you a stronger cyclist. Nothing beats putting in the time and miles
* I'm looking forward to the race season
* Hiking provides a tremendous aerobic workout. I will do more walking and hiking as part of my total fitness plan
* Be happy and enjoy life more
WOW what a week you guys had! Tell Steve that Kelvin Martin and I are cheering him on this season! I will be at the Boulder 5430 sprint this season, my first year training with CWW.
Thanks Rebecca.. I'll pass along your kind words. Good luck to you this season. Have fun
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